
レカぺ2206無配 (ほんの少しNSFW) 付き合ってから2回目のdsさんのお誕生日です とにかく年下男は必死です(しかし頑固 見守ってあげてください(笑 以下TMI ・dsさん多肉を飼い始めました! ・完全なるキャッシュレスは危険です… ・お二人はセックスの合意…

Salt Water Town Trailer

https://twitter.com/saltwatertown/status/1522260493573971968?s=20&t=AptjmUX1ypF-YDb_D7nspA TGC: Are you all right? OT:Aye… TGC: Who’s that? OT: Ah…that was the insurance fellow TGC: What did he say? (pick up the documents) Is that what he …


Greg Rucka Q&A talks about TOG2 and deleted scene

www.culturechatpodcast.com 16:00~ About sequel Rucka: We’re gonna moving forward and there has been an unofficial announcement since I can’t really say any thing yet.I will say it took a little longer for everybody evolved in making this d…

The Old Guard interviews

地味に集めてる記事、随時更新〜 Marwan Kenzari Thought of A Little Life and The Iliad As Inspirations for His Old Guard Romance https://www.vulture.com/2020/07/marwan-kenzari-on-the-old-guards-big-gay-romantic-speech.html The Old Guard star…


約10年ぶりのブログ! ワクワクです